April showers have brought May (grape) flowers!

After a long (though strangely mild) winter, there’s nothing more exciting than bud break! We spend the chilly months of February through April working in the vineyard, in preparation for the moment the buds start to swell. Pruning, tying up canes, weeding, trellising, training the trunks… as soon as one task is finished, the next wave of work begins, as every farmer knows. Enjoy a few photos of our ongoing farm work!

Vineyard team tying up vines.

Paul, Shannon, and Bruce tying up Pinot Noir vines.

Cabernet Franc buds in vineyard block 3.

Cabernet Franc budding in our lakeside block!


Compost in the block 3 vineyard.

Our very own, home-grown compost along the base of vines in block 3.


Bruce kneeling to train grapevine buds.

Bruce training buds on the future trunk of an Aravelle vine.


Regent buds in the Good Earth Block.

Regent buds in the Good Earth Block.



Spiderweb in the vineyard.

A spiderweb in the morning sun!

Gewurztraminer in block 2.

Gewurztraminer in block 2 – it’s getting leafy!

Gewurztraminer inflorescence

Gewurztraminer inflorescence, aka baby grapes.